Child & Family Nursing Conference


"Evolving Landscapes in Children's Nursing"

Date: Tuesday 8th April 2025
Time: 7:30 - 16:00
Venue: Auditorium, Cork University Hospital, Wilton, Cork




Please log on to our Eventbrite event's listing: CHILD AND FAMILY NURSING CONFERENCE TICKETS


About the Conference

 Join us on 8th April 2025 at CUH for an insightful day exploring "Evolving Landscapes in Children's Nursing." We are all part of shaping the future of care for children and families.


Submission of Abstracts

The Child and Family Nursing Conference Committee invite nurses to submit abstracts for poster presentation, for this years conference on Tuesday 8th April 2025.

Please email completed abstracts to Clare and Rose at and by 10th February 2025.



To Register for this Conference:

Please log on to our Eventbrite event's listing: CHILD AND FAMILY NURSING CONFERENCE TICKETS