Chaplaincy & Pastoral Care

The Chaplaincy/Pastoral Care Department is committed to providing pastoral and sacramental care to patients, families, and staff. We do this through supporting and journeying with patients and their families during times of crisis such as illness, death and bereavement. The Chaplains are available to people of all faiths and none.


How can we help?

  •       A listening ear
  •       A non judgemental presence
  •       A ministry of hope and healing
  •       A word of prayer
  •       Arrangements for sacraments
  •       A support in decision making
  •       Advice to help patients and family examine questions of faith and meaning
  •       Advocacy
  •       A support to families and friends
  •       Bereavement Support, pastoral counselling and follow up support.


The Multi- denominational Chaplaincy/Pastoral Care Department is served on a full time basis by one lay Chaplain, three Roman Catholic Priest Chaplains and two Church of Ireland Chaplains.

All chaplains are accredited healthcare chaplains and work as part of the multidisciplinary team who care for you or your loved one.


Catholic Church

Chapel of Christ our Saviour

The chapel is located on the first floor, near the main lifts. The hospital chapels are open at all times for prayer and reflection.

Mass Times:
Monday-Friday: 8:30am & 12Noon
Saturday (Vigil): 7:15pm
Sunday: 8:30am & 10am
Saturday and Bank Holidays: 12Noon

Sacrament of the Sick is administered every Wednesday at the 12 Noon Mass and is available upon request from patient, family and staff.

Holy Communion is brought to the wards on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday mornings.Also available upon request. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available upon request.

Mass/Services are broadcast on CUH 102FM daily.



Church of Ireland

Chapel of Christ the Healer

The chapel is located along the main concourse on the first floor.


Eucharistic Service: Sunday: 9:15am

Holy Communion is distributed to patients following this service.

Ministry of Reconciliation & Healing is available upon request.


If you wish to make contact with a hospital chaplain please ring the hospital on

021- 4922000 or (0)21 4922178 and request to speak with the chaplain on call.

Clinical Pastoral Education:

The Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) Centre at Cork University Hospital is the educational side of our Chaplaincy Department and was established in 1982. We run two CPE programmes each year providing training for pastoral ministry in healthcare and specialist pastoral care education in accordance with the standards of the Association of Clinical Pastoral Education (Ireland) Ltd. The CPE students provide pastoral ministry and care across the hospital as part of the wider Chaplaincy/Pastoral Care team.
In addition we have active global partnerships with pastoral care and chaplaincy research and innovation. We also run an online programme ‘An introduction to Clinical Pastoral Education for Healthcare professionals’ through the CPD Department at University College Cork and host a monthly Journal Club and CPD for professionals in pastoral ministry.
For further information about the CPE programme or pastoral education please contact the CPE programme Supervisor/ Director Dr Daniel Nuzum