Compliments & Complaints
We welcome and value your comments, compliments and complaints on the services and care provided by Cork University Hospital.
Making a Comment, Compliment or Complaint
If you would like to make a comment, compliment or complaint about any aspect of our service you can do one of the following;
By Email: CUH: or CUMH:
By Letter: Forward your feedback to us in writing to:
CUH: Quality & Safety Department, Cork University Hospital, Wilton, Cork
CUMH: Quality & Patient Safety Office, Cork University Maternity Hospital, Wilton, Cork
By Phone: Call us Monday to Friday (8:30am to 5:00pm) on 021-4922822. CUMH related please call 021-4920707
If you would like independent support to make a complaint about the care you have received in a public acute hospital, you can contact the Patient Advocacy Service. The Patient Advocacy Service is an independent, free and confidential service that provides information and support to people who want to make a formal complaint through the HSE ‘Your Service, Your Say’ complaints policy about the care they have experienced in a HSE-funded public acute hospital or a HSE-operated nursing home.
You can contact the Patient Advocacy Service from Monday to Friday, 10am - 4pm, on 0818 293003
Or email:
Visit the Patient Advocacy Service website for more information:
What Happens Next?
- In the case of a comment or a compliment we will send you a letter of acknowledgement if you provide your contact details.
- We will pass on your comment or compliment to the relevant department/ward.
- If it is a verbal complaint, every attempt will be made to try to resolve the issue as soon as possible.
- A written complaint will be acknowledged in writing within five working days from the date it is received. The letter will also tell you the name of the nominated complaints officer who will investigate your complaint.
- The complaints officer will look into your complaint within 30 working days of the date when it was acknowledged.
- Once the investigation is complete, we will provide you with a written response explaining the outcome and conclusions of the investigation.