
The Neuropathology department continues to provide a Consultant led quality diagnostic service for approximately 1/3 of the country (incorporating CUH, MUH, SIVUH, MGH, Bantry, UHK, UHW, Bon Secours hospitals in Cork and Tralee, Kilkenny and UHL). The Department also provides the Ophthalmic pathology service. The Department actively participates in teaching and training programmes for both undergraduates and postgraduates in a variety of specialties in Neurosciences, Histopathology and Biomedical Science.

The tests provided include:

  • Neurosurgical biopsies
  • Neuromuscular biopsies
  • Nerve biopsies
  • Temporal artery biopsies
  • Specialised ophthalmic biopsies
  • CSF for Cytology and referral for prion
  • Blood for anti-neuronal antibodies