CUH Coagulation Centre (CCC)

The CCC offers a service to patients (adults and children) with a wide range of bleeding disorders on an inpatient and outpatient basis, including investigation, diagnosis, long-term management and family screening.

There is a multidisciplinary approach to care involving nursing, physiotherapy, social work and dentistry.

Adults and children with thrombotic disorders are managed through inpatient consultations, outpatient clinics and the anticoagulation clinic.

Pregnant women with thrombotic or bleeding disorders or those at risk of carrying a baby with such disorders are managed in a dedicated antenatal clinic in CUMH       

Urgent contact details for healthcare professionals

There is 24 hour cover by a Consultant Haematologist in CUH

If you are a medical professional and require an urgent discussion with one of the haematology medical team, please contact CUH switchboard on +353 (0)21 4922000 and ask to be put through to the haematology registrar on call.

Department contact details

Patients with a bleeding disorder

For Non Clinical Queries

For queries in relation to non-clinical requests such as appointment queries or documentation requests:

Monday to Friday 08:00-16:00

Adult Services - (021) 4922545

Paediatric Services (Bleeding disorder queries only)  – 021-4920347

Postal address:

Coagulation Centre

Cork University Hospital

Wilton Road

Cork T12 FXH3


Non Urgent Clinical Queries

For non-urgent, clinical queries in relation to upcoming procedures or treatment queries

Please contact the Bleeding Disorder Nurse Specialists Monday to Friday from 08.00am to 17.00pm please call (021) 4922278/(021) 4920482 or email

Emergency Contact Details for Patients with a Bleeding Disorder

  • Monday to Friday 08:00-17:00
  1. For Emergency/ urgent calls in relation to an active bleed or possible bleed or an urgent unplanned procedure please call (021) 4922278/(021) 4920482
  2. Out of hours 17:00hrs-08:00hrs Monday-Friday, at the weekend and bank holidays, please call Cork University Hospital switchboard on (021) 4922000 and ask for the Haematology Registrar on call.
  • If you have a bleeding disorder and happen to attend an ED or another hospital for treatment:
  1. Show your bleeding disorders card to the treating doctor or nurse.
  2. If you don't have your card with you, identify that you have a bleeding disorder to the healthcare professional.
  3. If possible you or a relative should phone CUH to inform us of your admission/ treatment in ED or in another hospital.
  • If you are a medical professional in another site and have been informed by one of our patients that they have a bleeding disorder, please contact the Haematology Registrar on call or the Consultant Haematologist on call in CUH via switchboard.

For Urgent Care

In the event of an emergency please contact your nearest emergency department without delay.


Patients who attend the Anticoagulation Service

For Non Clinical Queries

For queries in relation to non- clinical requests such as appointments and documentation requests:

Monday- Friday 08:30-16:00

Please call the anticoagulant clinic on (021) 4920152


Postal address:

Anticoagulant Clinic

Cork University Hospital





Non Urgent Clinical Queries

For non- urgent, clinical queries in relation to anticoagulant treatment, upcoming procedures etc.

 Monday-Friday from 8.30am to 17.30pm

Please call the anticoagulant clinic (021) 4920152 where your call will be triaged and referred to one of the anticoagulant nurses.

If the phone is unattended there is an option to leave a message with your name, hospital number or date of birth, contact details and information in relation to your query and a nurse will return your call.


For Urgent Care

In the event of an emergency please contact your nearest emergency department without delay.

Services provided for patients with bleeding and thrombotic disorders

Services provided for patients with bleeding disorders

  • Consultant led outpatient clinics

  • Carrier Testing & Genetic Counselling Service

  • Diagnostic Coagulation Laboratory

  • Dental Clinic

  • Nurse-led clinics

  • Nurses Treatment Clinic

  • Patient Education Service

  • Physiotherapy Service

  • Social work

  • Vaccination Programme 

Services provided for patients with thrombotic disorders

  • Consultant led outpatient clinics

  • Anticoagulation monitoring including self-testing programme

  • Anticoagulation education

Health Professionals

  • Dr Cleona Duggan Consultant Haematologist                       
  • Dr Maeve Crowley Consultant Haematologist                      
  • Dr Clodagh Ryan Consultant Paediatric Haematologist    
  • Ms Annmarie Ryan Hall Clinical Nurse Specialist (Bleeding Disorders) 
  • Ms Norma Collins Clinical Nurse Specialist (Bleeding Disorders)
  • Ms Brid Booth-Fleming Clinical Nurse Specialist (Bleeding Disorders)
  • Ms Brid Firtear Clinical Nurse Specialist (Bleeding Disorders)
  • Dr Danielle McGeown Dental Surgeon
  • Mr Gerard King Senior Physiotherapist
  • Ms Catriona O Leary Clinical Nurse Specialist (anticoagulation)
  • Ms Pauline Chappell Anticoagulation nurse
  • Ms Patricia O Flynn Anticoagulation nurse
  • Ms Limna Dominic Anticoagulation Nurse
  • Ms Mary Dinneen secretary to Dr Cleona Duggan and Dr Maeve Crowley
  • Mr Michael Egar secretary to Dr Clodagh Ryan
  • Ms Mairead Goggin Data manger Coagulation Centre 

Directions to the Coagulation centre (CCC) and St Catherine’s Convent outpatient department 

GP information and referrals to the CCC

  • Referrals for patients with thrombotic or bleeding disorders are triaged by the consultants
  • Referral letters for those aged under 16 will be triaged by the Paediatric Consultant Haematologist and for those aged 16 and above will be triaged by the Adult Consultant Haematologist.
  • The patient (or their parent/guardian) will be contacted with an appointment letter
  • Referral letters must include contact details for patients along with any investigations, scans, blood results and relevant correspondence.
  • Rescheduled or cancelled appointments can be arranged by contacting us.
  • Patient referral letters can be sent to the appropriate (paediatric or adult) consultant haematologist
  • For referrals to the Anticoagulation Clinic from external institutions, please contact the clinic directly [(021) 4920152/]

  • For referrals to the Anticoagulation Clinic from within CUH, please use ICM (search for Anticoagulant Clinic Referral Request under orders and complete the form)

  • Referrals to the haematology antenatal clinic should be addressed to Dr Maeve Crowley