Emergency Medicine/Trauma

Contact ED @ CUH:  Phone +353 (0)21 4920200

Medical Emergency: TEL: 112 or 999

CUH Emergency Department is the cornerstone for the delivery of urgent and emergency care in CUH. It provides 24-hour access to compassionate, comprehensive assessment and treatment, time-critical interventions and co-ordination with inpatient teams where appropriate. Our vision is to provide the best emergency care for our community.

E-MED: EMed.ie - Emergency Medicine Cork

CUH ED WEBSITE: Emergency Medicine - Cork University Hospital (cuhemergencymedicine.ie)


Cork University Hospital’s Emergency Department (CUH ED) is now the busiest in the country seeing over 65,000 patients per year. This is provided by a very dedicated hard working and experienced group of doctors, nurses and allied health care staff who are there when you need them 24/7 for your emergency. Our consultants in Emergency Medicine also provide a commitment to the Mercy University Hospital as well as governance of the Local Injury Units in the Network.

The Emergency Department is the “Always Open/24-hour service” part of the ‘Acute Floor’, providing unscheduled care (healthcare which isn’t foreseen or planned). Our role is to treat a patient’s pain and distress, identify and diagnose life threatening illness through examination and diagnostic workup, commence time critical treatments and, in 30% of cases, refer for ongoing care to the in-house speciality teams.


Emergency Clinicians study a broad diverse medical curriculum to help them specialise in the differentiation of clues, signs and symptoms  which enable the delivery of  effective emergency care. The Emergency Department Team represents a diverse range of clinical and non clinical professions; Medical, Nursing, Health and Social Care Professionals, Pharmacy, Portering, Catering, Housekeeping . As we see approximately 245 patients a day we have developed expertise in knowing what services are available locally, regionally and nationally in both acute hospitals , primary care and  and community health services. Where possible we will signpost the patient to  the right pathway. Some subspeciality areas in CUH Emergency Department  include:

  • Pre-hospital Emergency Medicine and Therapies
  • eChildrens Emergency Department
  • Geriatric Emergency Medicine and the Frailty Intervention Teams
  • Trauma and Critical Care Medicine
  • Clinical Decision Unit

If a patient presents with an emergency or acute problem that can be ‘streamed’ to a speciality service we are very fortunate at CUH to have access to 40 different  medical and surgical specialty services on-site. Key available  Floor’ model at CUH, working hand in glove with the Emergency Department Team  to deliver the optimum care to our patients, include:

  • Acute Medicine
  • Emergency Surgery
  • Orthopaedics and Plastic Surgery
  • Paediatrics
  • Cardiology
  • Stroke Team plus interventional radiology
  • Respiratory Medicine
  • Liaison Psychiatry.

Our clinical pathways may be accessed at www.emed.ie.

DEDICATED CUH ED WEBSITE: Emergency Medicine - Cork University Hospital (cuhemergencymedicine.ie)


Key Personnel in your Department:

Prof Conor Deasy – Professor of Emergency Medicine, Clinical Director for Emergency and Acute Care Directorate

Dr Rory O Brien – Clinical Lead for Emergency Medicine and Paediatric Emergency Medicine

Siobhan Scanlon – Assistant Director of Nursing – Unscheduled Care

Norma O Sullivan – Assistant Director of Nursing – Emergency and Acute Care Patient Flow

James Matthews – CNM3 – Emergency Department

Aideen O Riordan – Unscheduled Care Manager
