How to access services

Access to the Physiotherapy Department is by referral from Cork University Hospital Consultants only. Inpatients are generally seen within 24 hours of referral. Outpatient services are by appointment only.

Individuals under the age of seventeen legally require a guardian to be in attendance with them during their appointment. Appointments are usually 20-30 minutes in duration. The physiotherapist may carry out a physical examination, so wear suitable clothing. It can be helpful to bring shorts or loose clothing. If you are currently taking any medications please bring a list of them with you.

You will be seen at your appointment time, so please arrive on time. If you cannot attend your appointment, please inform us as early as possible so that we may offer this appointment to another patient. Please note our Do Not Attend (DNA)/unable to attend (UTA) policies.

You will be discharged from physiotherapy if you:

  • Do Not Attend (DNA) your physiotherapy appointment twice over the course of your treatment
  • Cancel your appointment 3 times over the course of your treatment, but fail to contact the department in a timely manner (UTA-unable to attend).


Directions to the Physiotherapy Department Cork University Hospital

When you reach the main hospital gate, turn right in the direction of Accident and Emergency (if you are driving, there is a public car park across from the Accident and Emergency entrance).

Enter through the Accident and Emergency entrance. Continue straight ahead in the direction of the outpatient clinics.  At this point turn right and follow the corridor.

When you reach the top of that corridor, turn right. The entrance to the Physiotherapy Department is then the second turn on the right. Please check in at Physiotherapy Reception.



Directions to the Physiotherapy Department Cork University Maternity Hospital

Enter via the main door of Cork University Maternity Hospital. Turn left and follow the corridor until you reach Support Services Reception. Please check in here and your Physiotherapist will be with you shortly.

If you are on foot or just being dropped off, when you reach the main hospital gate, turn left and go up the first set of steps/take the first left turn that you see to reach the main entrance of Cork University Maternity Hospital.

If you are driving, when you reach the main hospital gate, turn right and take the first left to enter the underground car park of Cork University Maternity Hospital. A lift will take you up to the first floor. Turn right and you are immediately at Support Services Reception to check in for your Physiotherapy appointment.