Social Work in Oncology

Social Work for Cancer


Medical social workers are members of the multidisciplinary team caring for oncology patients. A diagnosis of cancer can result in major life adjustments for you and your family.  Working with a medical social worker can help you to resolve some of the social, emotional, practical or psychological challenges that you might experience whilst receiving care. We also recognise that a diagnosis of a long-term condition or illness can impact on the whole family. We offer emotional support and advice to children, parents and families who have a new diagnosis of illness or long term condition. We can help with providing:

  • Emotional and practical support to you and/or your family
  • Education and support in talking to children/loved ones about your cancer
  • Advocacy, information and referral to other services and supports

The social work service is available to both inpatients and outpatients of CUH and their families. You can access medical social work support by contacting the department directly on 021-4922488 or by asking one of the team caring for you to make a referral on your behalf