Dr Frances Enright
Dr. Frances Enright
Consultant Paediatrician (Special Interest in Community Child Health)
MB BCh BAO, University College Dublin, 1992 (Honours in Paediatrics)
MRCP Paediatrics, 1996
FRCP, 2006
Diploma in Neurodisability, Hallam University Sheffield, 2004-2006
Advanced Paediatric Life Support (APLS), renewed every 4 years
Child Protection Recognition and Response Instructor, 2010-2022
Professional Experience
1998–2004: Consultant Paediatrician
Enable Ireland Tallaght & Newbridge
AMNCH Tallaght (General Paediatrics)
Children’s Sunshine Home (now Laura Lynn)
2004: Neonatal Registrar and member of the Neonatal Transport Team, National Maternity Hospital, Holles Street
2005–2010: Consultant Paediatrician, Wexford General Hospital
Covered general paediatrics, neonates, and early intervention teams (1:3 rota with one paediatric registrar)
2010–2025: Consultant Paediatrician, Mercy University Hospital (MUH)
General paediatrics on-call (1:3 rota) and participation in the Pan-City Paediatric On-Call rota
Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) assessments (2010-2022) at the Family Centre (1:2 rota)
2025–Present: Consultant Paediatrician, Cork University Hospital (CUH)
50% General Paediatrics: On-call and on-take duties at CUH
50% Community Child Health: Clinics and consultations for children with developmental delays and disabilities
Weekly MUH clinic relocating to South Infirmary Victoria University Hospital (SMOH) under CUH governance (April 2025)
Community Child Health Involvement
Collaborates with North Cork and North Lee Senior Medical Officers to assess and manage developmental delays
Provides medical consultation to five Childhood Disability Network Teams (CDNTs):
North Lee (Cope Foundation):
CDNT 6: Siobhan Hooley (HooleyS@cope-foundation.ie), Mauryn Iheanachom (Iheanachom@cope-foundation.ie)
CDNT 8: Mauryn Iheanachom (Iheanachom@cope-foundation.ie), Kelly Brady (BradyK@cope-foundation.ie)
CDNT 9: Fiona Widdowson (WiddowsonF@cope-foundation.ie)
North Cork (St Joseph’s Foundation):
CDNT 4: Bernadette Bryan (Bryan@sjf.ie)
CDNT 5: Eileen Fitzgerald (EileenFitzgerald@sjf.ie)
Conducts monthly clinics at each CDNT location
Special Clinics & Services
Spasticity Management Clinics (in collaboration with Enable Ireland):
Manages children from Cork and Kerry referred by community physiotherapists
Key Contacts:
Gillian O’Dwyer, Senior Physiotherapist (godwyer@enableireland.ie)
Julie Browne, Senior Occupational Therapist (juliebrowne@enableireland.ie)
Botulinum Toxin (Botox) Service:
Provides monthly Botox injections for children with spasticity affecting upper and lower limbs
Utilizes ultrasound guidance with sedation or general anaesthetic
Clinical Nurse Specialist: Niamh Lynch (Niamhm.lynch@hse.ie)
Administrator: Gabriella Nagy (Gabriella.Nagy@hse.ie)
No private rooms or private clinic facilities available
Mentorship & Leadership
Mentored by Dr. Sheila Macken, Temple Street Children's University Hospital
Experienced in leading child protection education and early intervention initiatives